Category Archives: Journals

Momentum (IM#185)
Momentum puts victory within reach. It plays an important role when...
Settling for low (IM#184)
Some people settle for less just because they don’t want more,...
Pareto Principle: Does it work? (IM#183)
It is said that 80% of your result depends on the...
Staying Focused (IM#182)
Staying towards the principles, the core values, and the things that...
Self-realization (IM#181)
Ralph W. Emerson once said, ” For everything you have missed,...
A different focus (IM#180)
What if we’ve followed all the principles, defined our core values,...
Why we complicate things? (IM#179)
This sounds crazy but it’s true that most of the time...
Three ‘R’s (IM#178)
Requirement: The list of priorities that is required to meet our...
Change and the progress (IM#177)
Change is the price to pay for progress. One who denies...
As a man thinketh – James Allan (IM#176)
Cherish your visions. Cherish your ideals. Cherish the music that stirs...
Read the trends (IM#175)
The ability to know what’s happening at the moment and analyzing...
Connection and leadership (IM#174)
There is an old saying, “To lead yourself, use your head;...
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