Category Archives: Blogs

Truth behind introverts and extroverts(IM#232)
Introverts are the extroverts who are in learning and personal development...
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication (IM#229)
That’s what Steve Jobs did during the initial phase of Apple...
People are so brainwashed.. (IM#226)
I recently had a talk with one of my friends and...
The intention of having both (IM#220)
Everyone lives in the same physical world of course. But the...
You are bigger than your problem (IM#219)
Everybody has got the problem. We care about our problem; we...
The importance of saying ‘NO’ (IM#218)
It is not always the right thing to desperately follow the...
Words can change the action (IM#217)
The words we speak shape the action we do. There must...
Something is running in mind(IM#216)
We are never silent. Our mind is very busy. It keeps...
The confusion of our goals (IM#215)
Yesterday I was talking with my friends about their goals. I...
The opposite of “more” (IM#187)
The opposite of ‘more’ is not ‘less’ or ‘few’. The opposite...
The notion of consistency (IM#168)
It is the character that develops consistency. It is the inner...
The Law of Process (IM164)
Knowing nothing is an asset because as long as the people...

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