2022 Favorite Books Read

2022 was a year of transition for me. I experimented many things for myself in terms of habits, knowledge, consciousness, and different types of books. Honestly, I could not read all the books I intended to read. But here are some of my favorite books of 2022:

1. Built to last by Jim Collins and Jerry Porras

This definitely belongs to one of the good business books I have read so far. I read Jim Collins's "Good to Great" in 2021 which was really good and informative. Same with this book as well. Really well written with tons of examples from Visionary Companies (VCs). This books highlights the importance of defining core values, purpose and vision of the company and how these VCs lasted for centuries by sticking to their core values and vision. Really good book and lots of knowledge to grab for business owners, entrepreneurs, managers and even to employees.

2. A Gentleman in Moscow, Novel by Amor Towles

It's a political fiction by genre but it has good amount of human character. It's as good and everyone says. One quote from the book:

"It's a fact of human life that one must choose a philosophy"

3. Notes from Underground, by Fyodor Dostoevsky

Certainly one of the best books I have read. This 200 page book unwraps some of the dark character every human posses and it is so mind and heart boggling. Dostoevsky is really good. I think everyone at some point behaves like The Underground Man and its unavoidable. This is the opening lines of the book:

"I am a sick man.... I am a spiteful man. I am an unattractive man. I believe my liver is diseased...….. I refuse to consult a doctor from spite. That you probably will not understand. Well, I understand it, though....By not consulting the doctor, I am only injuring myself and no one else.... My liver is bad, well—let it get worse!"

Reading this books, I had goosebumps that how good this books is. One of the contradictory (but might well be true) point came here was consciousness is a disease. Read about this here.

4. The Republic, by Plato

Plato's Republic, written around 375 BCE is basically the dialogues of one of the smartest man, Socrates on various topics from Justice to wisdom to politics and many others that are related to Human and society. It went through Book I to Book III and will continue it this year.

These are my favorite books read of 2022 and is coming...

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