Category Archives: Philosophy
The Warrior’s Last Stand: Lessons on Courage and Impeccability
"In Carlos Castaneda's 'Journey to Ixtlan,' the Yaqui sorcerer Don Juan...
The Great Learning: A Journey to Self-cultivation and Harmony
“The way of great learning lies in making bright virtue brilliant,...
Overdriving Awareness: A Curious Case of Excessive Consciousness
Self-awareness is a celebrated human trait, yet excessive introspection can lead...
Is this the best self-help book ever written?
In the uncharted recesses of our minds, we confront an array...
Premeditatio Malorum: A negative visualization
reading the unexpected? Discover "Premeditatio Malorum," a 2,000-year-old Stoic wisdom. By...
My Favorites and The Most Impactful Reads From 2023
Dive into the intellectual odyssey of 2023, where each page turned...
The Eudaemonic Odyssey: Navigating Happiness with Epicurus
Embark on an odyssey guided by Epicurus's ancient Greek philosophy—a journey...
Beyond Good and Evil: A Personal Exploration of Nietzsche’s Philosophy
Delve into Nietzsche's "Beyond Good and Evil," navigating critiques of morality,...
Plato’s Republic: The Wisdom on Everything
Embark on a profound odyssey through Plato's Republic, where justice, morality,...
The Problem of Life and its Solution
Epictetus, the Stoic philosopher, illuminates the human condition by distinguishing between...
Embracing the Wisdom of Marcus Aurelius
In the depths of history, there exists a reservoir of wisdom...