Category Archives: Journals

Decision To Avoid Multiple Decisions (IM 912)
“You could live life right now. Let that determine what you...
Being Wrong Is Not Wrong (IM 911)
No one likes being wrong. It is the nature of humans....
The Six Mistakes Of Man; According To Cicero (IM 910)
“Six mistakes mankind keeps making century after century: Believing that personal...
Quotes I’m Pondering About… (IM 909)
These are the quotes I’m pondering about today: “These individual have...
When Feeling Overwhelmed And Focused…. (IM 908)
…. there is a small exercise we all can do and...
Busy Is A Decision (IM 907)
“I am busy” is one of the most unauthentic and lazy...
The Stupidity and The Wisdom Of The People (IM 906)
“The stupidity of the people comes from having an answer for...
Nothing Surpasses Not knowing (IM 904)
“It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks...
A Letter To Future Self (IM 903)
We write a letter to our past selves expressing our feelings...
Kindness or Anger: What Is More Manly? (IM 902)
Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be....
Psychological Resilience (IM 901)
It’s a psychological toughness. It’s an ability to mentally and emotionally...
Equilibrium (IM 900)
Every condition reverses itself and it tries to become normal. That’s...
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