Category Archives: Journals

The Choice (IM#16)
Give a little more. Stay open for receiving. Be prepared for...
The Magic of long Game(IM#15)
Somebody said- “It’s better to lose a battle and win a...
Minding Our Mind (IM#14)
Mind is the state of constant thinking. Minding our mind simply...
The Value of Suffering (IM#13)
What determines our success is not what do we want to...
Avoiding The Infection(IM#12)
Infectors  are recognized by the misfortune they create and leave when...
Little things are big things(IM#11)
1 little wins each day = 30 wins in each month...
Innovative Mind#10: Everything is cause and effect
Everything starts with our thoughts. Thoughts creates words, words are the...
Innovative Mind#9: Something has to be done
Most of us have two  lives: the life we live and...
Innovative Mind#8: The blue sky of Rejection
Rejection makes our life better. We are defined by what we...
Innovative Mind#7: I was wrong about everything
I was always told that happiness is the end game. Every...
Innovative Mind#6: Mistakes, Failures and solutions
Mistakes are constant in life, in fact it is a lesson...
Innovative Mind#5: Our Struggle is Real
We all run and run, miles after miles towards something and...

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