Category Archives: Journals

Loss and Gains (IM 383)
There was a research done with monkey and apples. A monkey...
Living well and doing well (IM 382)
“From all your herds, a cup or two of milk, From...
Are we missing reality? (IM 381)
Many research shows that we only see the things that we...
Minding mind (IM 380)
Mind is the state of constant thinking. Minding our mind simply...
No one can stop your destiny (IM 379)
Your destiny depends completely on you. No one can change or...
Hope for the best (IM 378)
The future is always uncertain. Hoping for the best is always...
Embrace reality (IM 377)
Reality is harsh. It’s hard to accept it sometimes. But when...
Intention matters (IM 376)
Our intention matters… Most of us do one thing and have...
Consciousness and uncertainty (IM 375)
Consciousness is being aware of present through which living occur.  It’s...
Faith (IM 374)
Faith is the trust we have on something or somebody. It’s...
Making things that matter (IM 373)
We always want to do something meaningful. That’s the reason we’re...
Initiation (IM 372)
Everybody want to do something great but they never execute on...
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