Category Archives: Journals

When our phone uses us (IM 471)
It is hired by us to accomplish certain task like to...
Our needs (IM 470)
It is basically the moving force for human beings. Tony Robbins...
The problem is within us (IM 469)
We weren’t born believing anything; it’s our environment that influence us...
A history…(IM 468)
A history is important not know or predict the future but...
Compromise (IM 467)
It’s not a bad thing… We compromise something everyday. When we...
The genesis of suffering (IM 466)
According to Buddhism, all suffering is originated from the attachment to...
Organizing everyday (IM 465)
These days we hear about goals and to achieve it we...
The Result of Intellectual Curiosity (IM 464)
This morning I read an article on CNBC about a 17-year-old...
The odd way of famous minds like Maya Angelou, Beethoven, and Francis Bacon (IM 463)
Sometimes a odd way is effective and productive way of performing...
Should you work for free?(IM 462)
It depends on your work and your will. Work is what...
Best books that I read in 2019 (IM 461)
The best book that I read in 2019 are:- Principles: Life...
Always do best (IM 460)
When you do your best you learn to accept yourself; you...
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