Category Archives: Journals

The invisible power (IM 559)
The roots create the fruits.  In real life, the roots are...
Risk, Return and Reward (IM 558)
Risk: It is a situation involving exposure to danger and uncertainty....
How to seek progress amid uncertainty? (IM 557)
It is understandable to be overwhelmed by the current situation. Research...
Change your way (IM 556)
If you want to get different result, don’t go by your...
We’re all surrounded…(IM 555)
We’re all surrounded by troubles throughout our lifetime. Someone has an...
A journey with no ends (IM 554)
It has been a long journey with lots of struggle and...
Should we believe our every thought? (IM 553)
Human brain is the manufacturer of thoughts. These thoughts will have...
Changing our stories (IM 552)
Disempowering story never leads to empowering results. We got to change...
Seeking attention? (IM 551)
Everybody lives for it… There is nothing wrong with seeking attention...
Lesson from “The Millionaire Next Door” (IM 549)
Thomas J. Stanley, in his book ” The Millionaire Next Door:...
An economic suicide (IM 548)
America, the powerhouse of economy is committing suicide as we are...
Semiotics: A face-mask (IM 547)
Semiotics is the study of sign process, which is any form...
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