Category Archives: Journals

The Game We Are Playing and Its Logic (IM 863)
… we all are playing different game; the game of freedom,...
“Premeditatio malorum”: An Important Lesson From Ancients (IM 862)
“What is quite unlooked for is more crushing in its effect,...
“Hymn to Zeus”: A poem by Cleanthes (IM 861)
Most honored of immortals, many-named one, ever omnipotent, Zeus, prime mover...
“To Remember…” :Things For 2021 (IM 860)
For 2021, I have noted some thoughts and practices as “To...
A decision (IM 859)
A decision is a conclusion needed for a situation. A single...
Doing our work (IM 858)
We hear a lot of thing that are against our vision...
Quenching The Insatiable Hunger (IM 857)
There is a saying which goes, “A happy man wants ten...
These Four Types of Meditation (IM 856)
Here are four different types of meditation, which I came to...
These words of Marcus Aurelius…(IM 855)
Marcus Aurelius has been the man wisdom, strength, power, courage, and...
Striving for talent (IM 854)
Dare to dream big. Focus on your dream. Don’t let other...
Amor Fati: Love of Fate (IM 853)
The great German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche describes his formula for human...
True “Self”: Definition From Bhagavad Gita (IM 852)
According to Hindu religious book “Bhagavad Gita”, the nature of true...
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