Category Archives: Blogs

Breaking Down Everything Into Two Things (IM 979)
The circumstance of life is that it is very unpredictable but...
8 Lessons Learned From 15 Philosophy Books (IM 978)
Philosophy is like a move in a chess game. There is...
The Ideologies That Matter (IM 977)
The world we see is not the world we want to...
Nature’s Truth (IM 959)
Marcus Aurelius, in his book “Meditations” said that the nature’s job...
What You Resist Persists (IM 958)
Carl Jung once said, “What you resist persists.” This is so...
From “The Secret” (IM 953)
In the book “The Secret”, Rhonda Byrne talks a lot about...
The Flow Of Everything (IM 946)
The flow of everything begins with the execution. Without execution, there...
The Drug Everyone Needs (IM 945)
The drug we all should take is the drug of optimism...
Cost Vs. Value (IM 944)
A $150 bottle of wine takes almost the same time as...
Too Quick For Conclusion (IM 943)
  We, human being, have a story telling problem.  Most of...
Future Depends On Events: On Investments (IM 934)
Looking at the histories, we can say that the market depends...
It’s A Whole New World (IM 931)
I have always been optimistic about what the future holds. Peter...

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