Category Archives: Blogs

Needs (IM 750)
It is basically the moving force for human beings. Tony Robbins...
Popular vs Good (IM 749)
They are different… What is popular might not be good and...
Suffering: What is it? (IM 748)
According to Buddhism, all suffering is originated from the attachment to...
Our greatest teacher (IM 747)
Nature is our greatest teacher and the important lesson it teaches...
Phones and human beings (IM 746)
It is hired by us to accomplish certain task like to...
Capitalism mindset (IM 745)
The trust in the future is what enables bank and the...
Accepting the destiny (IM 744)
It doesn’t really matter what we expect from life, but rather...
Who we are (IM 743)
Man is no more than a product of many conditional and...
Reality and the imagination (IM 742)
“We are more often frightened than hurt; and we suffer more...
Doing and the direction (IM 739)
We see lots of people these days who decide before they...
It’s lessening (IM 738)
Everyday we are growing and the problems we face are decreasing....
Happiness and problem (IM 737)
Happiness is what we all  are chasing for. On the other...
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