
We’re the problem (IM#105)
We weren’t born believing anything; it’s our environment that influence us...
Failure is not same as losing (IM#104)
Losing reflects the score or the number, losing a game for...
Human needs (IM#103)
It is basically the moving force for human beings. Tony Robbins...
Efforts and courage aren’t enough (IM#102)
Efforts and courage are important. They are the part of the...
Power of compounding (IM#101)
In 1790, before Benjamin Franklin died, he left about $1000 to...
The Century (IM#100)
Today is 100th day of sharing my words in Innovative Mind,...
Fishing Happiness (IM#99)
There is a Mexican Fisherman story that teaches us how to...
Self-awareness is the key (IM#98)
It is an asset. If we’re aware about ourselves, the actions...
Secret behind learning (IM#97)
The more we learn, the more we realize we don’t know....
The Fantasy We All Love (IM#96)
Everybody loves the idea of having freedom whether it’s financially or...
Is this the proper vehicle? (IM#95)
One of my mentor asked me to scale my current position...
Experience and Things (IM#94)
Things are the items that we care about. It can be...
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