
Listen to your instincts (IM#261)
It is very important to listen to our instinct sometime. Our...
Simpler is always better (IM#260)
The common lesson we can learn from Steve jobs, Elon Musk,...
vulnerability (IM#259)
It is the quality or the state of being attacked or...
Experiment your process (IM#258)
Our each and every steps should be considered as an experiment...
Focus (IM#257)
Everybody has same amount of time and energy, yet the result...
The goal of investing is not to make more money (IM#256)
The goal of my investing right now is not to make...
Suffering has the purpose (IM#255)
Suffering has the noble purpose: the genesis of consciousness and strengthening...
Filling the gaps (IM#254)
There is always a gap between your current situation and where...
How would our life be like if we could forecast it...
Don’t let your ideas die (IM#252)
Everybody has got their ideas of doing something great in their...
Sell the solutions (IM#251)
We all are concerned of selling our product but nobody cares...
Nobody cares about our self-esteem (IM#250)
The world doesn’t care about our self-esteem. We got to build...
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