
Leap Year (IM 513)
It’s an extra day that occurs once in every four year....
Two alternatives… (IM 512)
When you give your best but still something seems to be...
Who we are dictates what we see (IM 511)
Our inner nature controls our external sight. A person with a...
We are our mirror (IM 510)
What we do everyday becomes a habit and we are the...
The crucial “R’s” (IM 509)
When it comes to run and establish a successful and sustainable ...
Reading the trend (IM 508)
The ability to know what’s happening at the moment and analyzing...
“ROI” (IM 507)
Return Of Investment (ROI) can’t always be measured in money. We...
The rules (IM 506)
We are in the long-term game and so we should focus...
Visionaries, Entrepreneurs and Businessman (IM 505)
There three are completely different person with a different mindset and...
James Allen’s: (IM 504)
“Cherish your visions. Cherish your ideals. Cherish the music that stirs...
Creativity and Innovation (IM 503)
Creativity is thinking of getting things done while innovation is getting...
Socrates: An unexamined life is not worth living (IM 502)
An unexamined life is not worth living -Socrates This above quote...
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