
Kindness is undefeated? (IM 714)
Doing right thing is always right and being kind is ROI...
Our ‘two’ versions (IM 713)
We all have two version of ourselves. One is the logical...
Perspectives (IM 712)
A wind extinguishes a candle but fans a fire. Whatever the...
Consciousness and uncertainty (IM 711)
Consciousness is being aware of present through which living occur.  It’s...
Living well vs doing well (IM 710)
“From all your herds, a cup or two of milk, From...
“On the shortness of life” (IM709)
It is not that we have a short time to live,...
Value learning over everything (IM 708)
The simple law of human psychology is that our thoughts will...
Discovering kindness (IM 707)
One of the important nature people are lacking these days is...
‘Success’ is in the eye of beholder (IM 706)
‘Success’ is in the eye of beholder… Success for student is...
Cause and Effect (IM 705)
Keep your heart free from hate and your mind free from...
Lessons from Cato (IM 704)
Marcus Porcius Cato the Younger, better known to the world simply...
Stoicism (IM 703)
“If a man knows not which port he sails, no wind...
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