
There is one thing you must do (IM 835)
Nassim Nicholas Taleb in his book “The Black Swan“, wrote the...
The driving force of Capitalism (IM 834)
A 300-year history of an idea: “Greed is Good”, has been...
Properties of rational mind (IM 833)
Marcus Aurelius in his “Meditation” journal of Book 11 wrote that...
Run. Run. Run (IM 832)
One of the best therapies I’ve discovered for me is running....
Nature’s job (IM 831)
Marcus Aurelius, in his book “Meditations” said that the nature’s job...
Never ending circle (IM 830)
There is a saying that goes, ” For everything you gain...
Be suspicious… (IM 829)
… of “because”. This word is used to explain any thing...
Epictetus’s… (IM 828)
Epictetus told his students that there can be no such thing...
Non-linearities (IM 827)
The most tragic thing is that the world is more nonlinear...
The biggest fallacy (IM 826)
Human beings are so good in creating fiction, which is the...
The error of confirmation (IM 825)
In almost all of the cases, the past events and our...
A quote… (IM 824)
“You can’t escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.”...
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