Short Run and Long Run: Acting Accordingly (IM 864)
In short run, deadline is near and time is short. In...
The Game We Are Playing and Its Logic (IM 863)
… we all are playing different game; the game of freedom,...
“Premeditatio malorum”: An Important Lesson From Ancients (IM 862)
“What is quite unlooked for is more crushing in its effect,...
“Hymn to Zeus”: A poem by Cleanthes (IM 861)
Most honored of immortals, many-named one, ever omnipotent, Zeus, prime mover...
“To Remember…” :Things For 2021 (IM 860)
For 2021, I have noted some thoughts and practices as “To...
These Four Types of Meditation (IM 856)
Here are four different types of meditation, which I came to...
These words of Marcus Aurelius…(IM 855)
Marcus Aurelius has been the man wisdom, strength, power, courage, and...